Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Custom software applications development

Desktop, Database, Internet, LAN Applications)SMI SOFT offers a wide range of custom software programming services. We have outstanding experience in custom database development, desktop and distributed application design as well as various custom software components both at individual desktop and enterprise level.

visit website www.smisofttech.com
We believe that our high quality service provides a sound basis for a successful customer relationship. We consider the testing stage of the product to be one of the most important parts of the development process and we strive to exclude any errors before the product release milestone. Any programming issues discovered within a one-month warranty period will be resolved free of charge. Our developed applications ranges from desktop utility software to online & offline order tracking systems, employees payroll software, inventory control & management systems and financial accounting systems. We have vast expertise of development and skill set of Oracle, Oracle Developer, Visual Basic, Java, Visual FoxPro, MS Access, MS SQL, MySQL, C, Visual C++. Click here to request a free quote...ActiveX component developmentWhether you are a formal coder who want to encapsulate your existing code to hide it from prying eyes or you are an entrepreneur who want a customized ActiveX solution of a problem to fit into your existing project, you are at right place to be. We offer cheapest services to convert the existing code from code snippets to encapsulated modular shape.
visit Website www.smisofttech.com


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing with good, useful tips. It needs to know that outsourcing software development company could help in your business by installing customized software solutions.

  2. I have observed that SMI SOFT is Providing Quality services of Software development to its Customers Urdu & English in Oracle and .Net, They are also Providing Website Development and SEO Services Major Customized Software They Develop is as Under 1-Accounts/ 2-Inventory/ 3-POS 4-Payroll Biometric In My Opinion SMI SOFT Technologies is The Best Software House in Faisalabad Pakistan. I recommend customized software application development and any Website development and SEO related work from SMI SOFT Technologies www.smisofttech.com.They are good at their work.
